The Story of a Töad Meädow Newbie

I first learned about Töad Meädow last summer. I viewed the page, liked what I saw, and “liked” it on Facebook. I periodically saw pictures and videos pop up in my newsfeed, and the Art Build Weekends really caught my attention. They looked like an incredible time, but they also looked intimidating. Everyone seemed to know each other. Everyone appeared to be highly creative with extensive experience with tools I’d never even seen before. So, even though I’d see the upcoming events, I never attended any of them.

That changed with the February Art Build. I decided to go. I packed for the weekend, but I wasn’t sure if I would even stay longer than a couple hours on Friday. Luckily, I had so much fun I ended up staying for the entire weekend.

If you’re wondering what goes on during the Art Build Weekends, here’s a quick summary of the things I experienced. I went there with an open mind and eagerness to contribute my creativity, and that was all that I needed.

Jay plays with the bazooka.

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I arrived around 7 pm. I was greeted by two lovable dogs and a handful of friendly faces. Within 5 minutes, my apprehension had completely disappeared. We shared a delicious meal, casual conversation, and creative ideas. Around 9 pm we headed to the workshop. I had already volunteered my assistance with the effigy. The designer and I immediately started assembling pieces, and had most body parts formed by the end of the night.


Everyone shared a big breakfast. Shortly after breakfast, we headed back to the shop to continue working on the effigy. We connected the body parts and began stuffing the effigy with materials. I also got to play with fire, and that’s always a good time.

We worked off and on throughout the day and shared another delicious dinner.

More people arrived early in the evening. We headed back to the shop to prepare a test for Bicycle Holocaust. With good music and great company, we mixed up the necessary chemicals to complete a test burn.


I slept past breakfast and went back to work on the effigy just in time to help create the horns. We cut the branches and brainstormed additions to the effigy. After a nice lunch, the weekend was over.

As I left, I had a feeling of artistic accomplishment, and my mind was flooded with ideas of things we could add to the effigy as well as ideas for my own creative projects. It was a wonderful experience and I can’t wait to do it again.

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